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I think the best advice here is to shift you thinking from passwords to passphrases.

— Edward Snowden, via Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

If you've been on the internet for any meaningful amount of time, then it is very likely that passwords are a bane of your existence. It seems that every website and service wants you to register an account, even for most inane things, and a large reason for that is the ability to log your activity against your account, to make the service more attractive for advertisers.

Unless you've thought about this before, you likely have one or two decentish passwords that you reuse across all the websites and services. At most, you might have a system that you follow which allows you to slightly modify the passwords per site (for example, appending the first three letters of the website's domain to the end of the password). You probably find yourself clocking 'Forgotten password?' link all the time for almost every account you don't log into daily.
Surely there must be a better way...

There is, but it will involve a change to some of your habits.

Why password reuse is a problem

You might be wondering why is reusing passwords such a problem. Surely, there is no problem since you keep the password secret, and it's not like the websites you use can tell the passwords are being reused.

Well, the crux of the issue is that the websites and services have varying degrees of attention to security and commitment to your privacy, and sooner or later, one of the accounts will get hacked and it's login data will be leaked publicly. If you're reusing passwords, that means that login details for all your accounts are now public. Criminals, of course, know that people reuse passwords, so they will try the same combination on your email provider's site or your bank (this is known as credential stuffing). This is how an irrelevant website you used once 10 years ago getting hacked can lead to your email being hacked, and since for most people email is their identity anchor, they are now completely compromised.

The solution to this is to use a unique password for every website you use. In that case, a criminal attempting to perform credential stuffing will get nowhere since they only know the password to the account that was hacked.

Easy wins

Choosing better passwords

At minimum

Following guidelines should be kept in mind when choosing passwords, at minimum:

  • length is the most important aspects - because modern password crackers have access to incredibly powerful hardware that can literally try every possible combination of shorter passwords, your password should at minimum be 8 characters long
    • 8 characters are really the bare minimum - because the difficulty of cracking your password rises exponentially with each character, the best way to make your password better is to make it longer; don't take the 8 characters as a challenge and make the important passwords for important accounts longer.
  • avoid using common words, phrases and characters combinations - you are not the only person to think it's really clever to make your password the word 'password', you are not the only person who's frustrated so using 'ihatepasswords' helps you blow off some steam, you are not the only person who's dog is called Max, you are not the first person to notice that characters QWERTY sit analogise each other on a standard keyboard; hackers know all those tricks and will use them against you in a dictionary attack.
  • do not use any bit of information which you've posted online before - while you may not be surprised that a site called PrivacyWiki advocates not posting stuff about yourself online in the first place, if you've already done that, none of the info should be used in a password. Do not include your birthday, your home town, your favourite team which you post about all the time. Hackers may use this info, so called OSINT, to leverage that info against you
  • don't needlessly change good passwords - once you take the advice from this guide, and established better password practices, don't needlessly change good passwords that haven't been compromised. Research shows that people who are forced to change passwords forget them more often, and almost always change them to weaker password to make them more memorable. Commit to remembering one, or few really good password (more on that in password manager section) rather than remembering many terrible ones.

Use a system

There exist password generation systems which can give you a method of coming up with strong and memorable passwords.


Randall Munroe of xkcd fame suggests a system of appending 4 random everyday words.

Password Strength by Randall Munroe of xkcd
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Of course, this means that you can't use the actual combination of 'correct-horse-battery-staple' as your password (nor 'hunter2').


One of the valid criticisms of the above method is that people are really really bad at selecting random words. Diceware is a system which makes the selection actually random, and yet produces memorable passwords.

The system is explained in detail on the author's website, but the basic gist is that you throw a fair dice 5 times to generate a random number, and then lookup the number on a list of pre-defined words. You do this until you have, at minimum, 3 to 4 words. Then you put a space in-between those words, and that's your password. A more accessible video version from University of Nottingham's Dr Michael Pound is embedded below.

Diceware in action

Sign up for breach alerts

Security researcher Troy Hunt maintains a website which compiles data from known public breaches and makes it easy for you to search for your email address (or phone number) among this data. This will give you an idea about how many of the accounts you've used in the past got hacked, as it is safe to assume that if your get any hits here, the username and password for the given account at the time of breach is now public.
You may subscibe over at

A step further

Use a password manager